It stinks when you find out that a previous student, a ten year old little girl lost her momma.
It stinks when you have a 26 year old friend with failing kidneys and who has been given only years to live without another transplant.
There is pain and sickness and grief all around. I had to answer about it to my young daughter earlier this week.
"Mommy, why did God make me sick?" My four year asked. Because to her, she knows that God is control. It didn't make her mad, she was just wondering. And, then I had to share with my sweet face daughter more about what happened when sin entered this world. She knows about sin in her heart, but she hasn't been exposed to the sin of the world (praise God for that).
It's just a matter of time and she will see what I see, how life stinks sometimes. But, like her faith, she knew God would make her better and down the road God is coming to heal this planet and make things better. He is coming to fix what has been broken and fix what stinks and I am so thankful that He is the God that I serve.